Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

信息技术(“IT”)资源由竞技宝app下载大学(“NU”或“大学”)提供给学生, faculty, administrators, staff, contract employees and those who may be granted a guest computer account on a request basis, in support of the University's mission. These resources include, but are not limited to, technologies and information resources required for information processing, storage, and communication, whether individually controlled or shared, stand-alone or networked. This includes in-lab and classroom technologies, electronic resources, and computing and electronic communication devices and services, both wired and wireless such as, but not limited to, computers, printers, hand held devices, e-mail, instant messages, blogs, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), fax transmissions, voice, data, and video communication networks, multi-media, instructional materials, and academic and administrative systems. Personal equipment connected to the University network is also subject to this policy. 本指引适用于任何使用由大学提供及附属于大学网络的资讯科技资源的人士.

访问大学IT资源是一种特权,必须被这些系统的所有用户视为特权. 本政策概述了您在使用这些资源时的责任,并基于以下原则:

任何违反本政策的社区成员都将受到本政策所述的纪律处分,并可能采取法律行动,包括, but not limited to, the Federal Electronic Communication Acts. In addition, the University community is bound by the NU Code of Ethics in the use of computer resources.

其他通过NU系统操作计算和网络设施的组织可能有自己的策略来管理这些资源的使用. When accessing remote resources from NU facilities, 用户有责任遵守本文档中规定的策略和其他组织的策略.


A. General Use and Ownership

NU's IT Department is responsible for all equipment purchases, installations, disconnections, modifications, and relocations. 没有IT部门的事先书面批准,员工或学生不得进行这些活动. All IT resources, systems, and services are the property of NU. These include but are not limited to, all computers and software owned by the University, 由大学提供的任何通讯硬件及软件,以使用大学的电脑, any computer network governed in part or whole by the University, all components of the electronic communications, physical infrastructure, and any electronic communications address, number, account, or other identifiers associated with the University. All said property is expected to be used on University premises, except for situations where computers are necessary and provided for work assignments away from NU.

Users who check out hardware, software, or documentation from NU are responsible for its proper care, and for returning it undamaged in a timely fashion.

The University shall not be liable for, 使用者须承担因大学提供及维护大学资讯科技资源而导致资料意外遗失或受干扰的风险.

The University is not responsible for the content of users' personal web spaces, nor the content of servers, 用户在大学IT资源、个人电脑或连接到大学IT资源的其他设备上维护的程序或文件.

B. Access

NU provides and maintains a NU Access ID for each registered student, faculty, administrator, staff, contract employee and those who may be granted a guest computer account on a request basis. NU reserves the right to withdraw the service from anyone who misuses the system or IT resources.


No unauthorized individual may use University IT resources, computer hardware or computer software. This includes, but is not limited to, family members and friends of faculty, administrators, staff, contract employees, and students.

The University reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit, restrict, or terminate any account or use of University IT resources, and to inspect, copy, remove or otherwise alter any data, file, or system resources which may impair or damage University IT resources or authorized use.

大学亦有权检查或检查由大学提供的电脑及任何通讯硬件的配置是否符合本政策, 以及自行决定采取其认为必要的其他行动,以保护大学的it资源.

系统用户和学校单位需要向学校IT部门和官员报告传输设备及其特性, if so requested. 如发现任何单位或个人拥有干扰或涉嫌干扰大学系统运作的装置,大学有权要求其采取行动, to discontinue use of such devices and, if necessary, to remove them from University property.

In the event of a threat to the security or reliability of the University's IT resources, the University may suspend, terminate, or deny access of those involved in a suspected threat, violation, or misuse while the threat, violation or misuse is being investigated, or to otherwise prevent inappropriate activity. 大学还可以采取其他措施来保护大学IT资源的安全性或可靠性以及文件和其他相关信息的完整性.

C. Use

Those who use University IT resources are expected to do so responsibly. They must comply with local, state and federal laws and regulations, 遵守学校的政策和程序,并遵守正常的个人礼貌和行为标准.


As a user of IT resources at NU, you can expect:

A. Security of PCs, Laptops, and Work Stations

All PCs, 笔记本电脑和工作站配有密码保护的屏幕保护程序,空闲时自动激活功能设置为15分钟或更短时间.

Please note, however, 没有安全保证,一些大学的系统和资源是在不受监测的基础上提供的. 每个用户都有责任以不损害安全的方式行事,并不对大学的物理设备或It资源造成损害.

B. Protection of Inbound and Outbound E-mail and Attachments

NU的IT部门做出合理的努力来扫描入站和出站电子邮件和附件中的垃圾邮件. 大学资讯科技部亦持续使用病毒扫描软件扫描所有电邮,并备有最新的病毒资料库,以防任何可能对系统构成威胁的病毒,例如病毒及特洛伊木马。. The scanning for threats may lead to a modification of e-mail headers, non-delivery of messages containing viruses or Trojans, deleting of attachments, and blocking of messages. NU's IT Department reserves the right to block e-mail that exhibits characteristics of spam, viruses, 木马或任何可能威胁大学网络基础设施或IT资源的东西.

Users must still use extreme caution, however, when opening e-mail attachments received from unknown senders, which may contain viruses, e-mail bombs, and Trojans.

C. Electronic Communications and Files

NU follows generally accepted security measures, 但不能保证电子通信完全受到保护,不受拥有违反安全措施的技能和愿望的个人未经授权的访问. Therefore, 不应使用电子邮件和其他类型的电子通信来传达机密或敏感事项.

The University reserves the right to audit, inspect, 监控网络和系统和/或在未经持有人同意的情况下定期披露过境或储存的电子通信;

Users must be aware that networks, systems, and all electronic communications:

  • May be accessed and monitored in the normal course of business by system administrators.
  • May be released to the public (as may be requested through the Freedom of Information Act).
  • May require special measures to gain or limit access.
  • May be subject to preservation, seizure, discovery proceedings and disclosure and publication in legal actions.
  • There is no expectation of privacy on any NU network or system.


    Protecting NU's systems, data, networks, and IT resources is the responsibility of everyone in the university community. You are responsible for all activity on your account. This includes, but it not limited to, destructive or illegal activity by someone using your account identity.

    大学的信息技术可接受使用政策没有也不打算产生任何法律责任, liabilities, NU的IT资源的使用是在“现状”的基础上提供的,不作任何形式的陈述或保证,也不明确否认任何形式的陈述或保证, express, or implied, with respect to NU and does not create any contractual, or other legal rights in, or on behalf of any other party.

    A. Protecting IT Resources from Physical Access

    您对您使用的信息技术设备及其包含的数据的物理安全负责. Keep doors locked to protect equipment. Portable equipment such as notebook computers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and mobile phones must be secured whether on campus, traveling, or at home. Confidential or sensitive documents and data should be encrypted.

    Keep your account secure by preventing others from getting access to your computer.

    Log off or lock IT resources/devices before leaving them unattended.

    B. Protecting IT Resources from Unauthorized Electronic Access

    Authorized NU users are responsible for the security of their passwords and accounts. Persons attempting to gain unauthorized access to a system often do so through user accounts, and your password is a safeguard against such access. Keep passwords secure and do not share accounts. If you suspect someone may have discovered your password, change it immediately. It is required that user passwords be changed, at a minimum, every 180 days.

    NU's IT Department will NEVER ask you to send your account information or password over e-mail.

    C. Use E-mail and other Electronic Communications Responsibly

    All University electronic communications are to be used in an ethical and responsible manner.

    诸如电子邮件之类的消息在分发或显示方面应符合与硬拷贝文档相同的标准. Identify yourself clearly and accurately in all electronic communications.

    If by accident you receive a confidential file, you should not share it with anyone else.

    D. Using Resources Responsibly, Efficiently, and Fairly

    Each user should make efficient use of network resources. No user may monopolize these resources. Do not use your computer as a server. 用户也有责任及时拿起他们的打印机输出,以避免被盗或处置.


    Electronic records arising from such personal use may, however, be subject to the presumption of being a University electronic record.

    E. Complying with University Policies, Rules, and State and Federal Laws

    大学IT资源的用户同意遵守适用的联邦和州法律和政策, standards, and procedures of the University and of any Internet service provider for the University. 在任何情况下,南洋大学的员工都无权从事当地法律规定的非法活动, state, federal or international laws while utilizing NU-owned resources.

    Users shall also abide by the EDUCOM code regarding ethical and legal use of software as referenced below:

    Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to works of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy, and right to determine the form, manner, and terms of publication and distribution. (

    All NU employees and students shall use software only in accordance with the license agreement. To transfer the possession without permission, of any copy, modification or merged portion of any licensed program, whether gratuitously or for gain, violates this Policy and is prohibited. Anyone who makes, acquires, 或使用未经授权的电脑软件副本或以其他方式违反本政策,将根据大学政策受到纪律处分. They may also be subject to personal liability under copyright law. Anyone using personal software on University devices must demonstrate evidence of ownership.

    大学IT资源用户不得将未经版权持有人许可的受版权保护的材料放置在大学的IT资源或连接到大学IT资源的个人拥有的设备或系统上. University IT resource users shall not engage in unauthorized copying, transmission, distribution or downloading of such works. 系统用户最终有责任确保版权持有人已批准制作或分发有关副本. 怀疑滥用受版权保护的材料,大学可能会行使调查权利,无论是否通知用户,并暂停使用大学的IT资源. Also, the user may be subject to University discipline and civil, or criminal liability.

    Unacceptable Use

    The following activities are, in general, prohibited. 雇员在履行其合法工作职责期间(如.g., 如果主机正在中断生产服务,系统管理人员可能需要禁用主机的网络访问。. The list below of prohibited activities is not all inclusive; rather, 其中包括北大认为明显不适当的行为和不可接受的使用其资讯科技资源的例子.


    Any employee found to violate local, state, federal or other applicable laws, NU policies, procedures or standards of conduct, is subject to disciplinary action under University policy. Any suspected violation of local, state, federal or other applicable laws may be reported to the appropriate legal authority.

    Consequences for violations (in no particular order) include, but are not limited to:

    Any student found to violate federal or state laws or regulations, NU policies, procedures or standards of conduct, will be subject to disciplinary action under NU's Student Code of Conduct. 任何涉嫌违反州或联邦法律或法规的行为都可以报告给适当的法律机构进行调查.

    Consequences for violations (in no particular order) include, but are not limited to:

    大学保留保护其电子资源免受直接损害威胁的权利. 这可能包括将违规计算机系统与校园网断开连接等活动, terminating a running job on a computer system, or taking other action. 大学也可以拒绝或限制任何个人或团体的访问,如果大学自行决定是否违反了本文件或任何补充文件中规定的政策.

    如果用户被认为违反了法律或大学管理IT资源的政策,大学保留暂停访问大学IT资源或施加其他限制的权利. The University retains the right, subject to applicable law and policy, to search and seize, for investigative purposes, 任何连接到大学IT资源的硬件或系统,如果有理由怀疑这些硬件或系统被用于违反法律, or University policies governing IT resources. Restoration will be at the sole discretion of the University. The University will, to the full extent required under law, cooperate with all legal requests for information, including, but not limited to, 在执法人员或法定代表根据法院命令作出适当披露的情况下,披露系统用户帐户信息, subpoena or other legal process.

    Reporting an Incident

    If an incident is a threat to personal safety, immediately contact Campus Security or other local law enforcement agencies.

    Any incident involving the misuse of IT resources, a security violation, 或可疑的安全违规行为应尽快以口头或书面形式报告给IT部门,以便采取纠正措施, if necessary. 用户也有责任配合大学对任何涉嫌滥用IT资源或涉嫌违反安全的调查. Accidental damage, or damage caused by other parties, 亦应尽快向资讯科技人员报告,以便采取纠正措施.